Friday, February 25, 2011

The Sikora's come home

We were blessed last week to have Heather, Jeremy, Annie and Millie home for several days.  We celebrated birthdays with Jeremy, Annie and Millie.  What a crazy time it was.  There were 40 people here on Sunday for Millie's party and I swear half of them were under the age of 5.  We tried to get a group photo since we rarely are all together, but I have to say: "Cassidy, where were you"?  Seriously, I needed the 'cloud' to find a decent photo of everyone, and I don't even know what the 'cloud' is.  Everytime we see it on TV, John and I look at each other and ask what could it be?  Anyway, we are so thankful to have had everyone here as we have more memories in our bank now.