Sunday, November 28, 2010

Moving On To The Next Holiday

With the Thanksgiving meal behind us, Heidi, Nate, Hayley, Richard, Pa and T worked at putting the Knisley home into the Christmas spirit.  Hayley celebrated by coloring her hair.  Nate carried all of the heavy stuff upstairs from the basement.  Pa nailed everything down and fixed burnt out lights.  Heidi placed everything in its traditional places. The babies played in the midst of everything. Sophie decorated various items with beads.  T orchestrated the whole mess and Richard.......where was Richard?  He was here somewhere.  I suspect he was tucked away somewhere playing Angry Birds on his phone.  It was a fun day and we are ready for all festivities to come.

Hayley found an alternative way to heat up her hair.
This was Sophie's masterpiece.

Our tree before decorations.

Nate entertained the girls as much as possible.

Em kept her eye on everybody.

Our mantle is getting crowded.

Our tree after decorations.  Can you find the chili pepper, Heather?


  1. Wow...not only did the Christmas tree get decorated it also grew quite a bit larger in one day. I didn't know "fake" trees grew. Sophie's decorations were great. I am sure Dad's glitter blowing technique has been perfected. Will miss seeing the house this Christmas.

  2. You just had to post that picture of me, didn't you? You're just lucky that we never got a picture of you the time you had orange hair.

  3. that mantle is going to have to be bigger next year!!!

  4. I agree with Heidi...I think it is time to expand the living room and get a bigger mantle. Because you know we can't downsize on the stockings :) they are the best part!
