Friday, June 10, 2011

Poor Pa

Those of you who know Pa, know that he takes great pride in his yard. Woe to Pa.  The pool construction has put a hurt on the yard. Who is taking bets that he will have it looking great by the fourth of July?

The walls are going up

The supply closet

What's left of the old pool

How long does it take for grass to grow?


  1. If Dad needs help laying sod I know just the man for the job.

  2. You know while you are at it you might as well install a whole water park. Ha.

  3. Maybe you could auction off pieces of the old pool in Ebay. Many a memory has been made in that pool.

  4. What an improvement from yesterday! I am quite impressed! I'm with Heather on the water park..why not?!?
